Detailed FAQ

(Important Answers to Your Important Questions)

Does It Hurt?

Pain is obviouslys subjective but the majority of my clients experience no pain. On a Scale of 1 to 10 (10 being max pain), average clients give a 2 Pain rating. 2 is often described as the feeling of firm pressure or sound. I do offer elevated numbing options for those that have a lower pain tolerance. Medical grade products such as a "BLT" Formula as well as Liquid Epinephrine. This is NOT usual and the Standard Cream found at most locations is 5% Lidocaine.

What About Healing?

Listed here is an approximation for all services as well as images. Each individual will vary. At your 4-8 week PMU follow up appointment. Followup appointments are ALWAYS atlas 4 weeks after the appointment and no later than 8 weeks following the appointment. This is neccessary to allow the skin the have a full cell turnover so that I am working on healthy skin. Perfecting any color or shape changes if needed will be at the followup appointment. No sooner. No exceptions. Maintaining the integrity of your skin is my priority.

  • Eyebrows : Healing will take 7 - 14 days for Microblading. When leaving your initial appointment, your brows will ALWAYS Appear Darker/Brighter by 50 - 70%. They will stay this way for at least a few days or until the minor scabbing flakes off on its own. Your brows will be overly striking and accentuated. This is completely normal and temporary. It is part of the natural healing process. You must AVOID applying make up to the areas serviced until they have Healed (7 - 14 Days). You will DRY heal during the healing period. Wash the treated area twice a day with mild soap.

  • Lip Blushing : Healing will take about 5 days for Lip Blushing. When leaving your initial appointment, your lips will ALWAYS appear bright and swollen. This is normal. Swelling will go down almost always by next day. Ice is encouraged. If you are some one that has ever had a cold sore, I would highly recommend taking your Valtrex 72 hours prior the appointment. Your only job during this tie frame is to keep them moisturized with natural oils! I offer a compact grapeseed oil that will last you both session for $10 if desired.

  • Eyeliner : Healing will take 5 - 10 days for Eyeliner. When leaving your initial appointment, your eyelids will be slightly puffy. Nothing major. It will have the appearance that you were allergic to your mascara. Ice is encouraged as well as sleeping elevated. In most cases, swelling is completely gone 24- 48 hours after the appointment. You must AVOID mascara until they have Healed (5 - 10 Days). You will DRY heal during the healing period. Wash the treated area twice a day with mild soap.

  • Eyelash Lifts : No down time. You will want to avoid wetting them for 24 hours.

  • Henna : No down time. Brows will appear bold and fade over time until they completely disappear.

How Long Is The Procedure?

Procedures range from 30 min to 3 hours depending on the booking.


How Long Does It Last?

It is important to understand that Microblading, Lip Blushing, Eyeliner and Lash Lifts are Semi-Permanant procedures. Depending on the color chosen, skin textures and lifetsyle, procedures will last around the following time frames:

  • Eyebrows : 10 - 24 months

  • Henna : 1 - 2 weeks

  • Lip Blushing : 1 - 3 years

  • Eyeliner : 1 - 3 years

  • Lash Lifts : 4 - 6 weeks. Longer if currently using eyelash growth serums.

Things that will speed up the fading process, shortening the life span of the implanted pigments:

1. Sun exposure

2. Oily skin and excessive sweating

3. Skin Care products that include exfoliants, glycolic acids, hyaluronic acids and vitamins C.

4. Medications and vitamins

5. Thyroid issues

6. Smoking

7. Sleep Habits/Rubbing often (are you a right or left side sleeper?)

What do I need to know Prior to the Appointment?

Although everyone deserves to look and feel their best, some situations will prevent you from being an ideal Candidate. These are also Included in the consent Form you will be signing at the initial appointment.

1. AVOID at least 48 hours PRIOR to your procedure : blood thinners such as Alcohol, Aspirin, Motrin, Fish Oil, Tumericl...Basically ANY blood thinners. It is not a deal breaker but will result in pigment rejection.

2. Acutane. You must stop taking it 6 months before the procedure. Consult with your physician if you are concerned.

3. Pregnant or Breast Feeding? Consult your physician and requires a doctor's note

4. Diabetic? Consult your physician. I have done many a Diabetics in my day. It’s just good to know that healing may be a little slower than the average person.

5. Actively doing Chemotherapy? Once Chemotherapy is completed...Add another 6 Months before Microblading. HOWEVER, if you are on the Chemo - Pill you are CLEARED for the procedure at anytime.

6. Moles? Raised Moles will NOT be Microbladed over.

7. Cold Sore Prone? Always take your Valtrex 72 hours prior to your Lip Blushing appointment and 48 hours after the appointment.